Home » New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

Undergraduate students having three final examinations that begin and end within a 24-hour time period (any contiguous combination of the 9AM, 2PM, and 7PM exam times) or two final examinations during the same exam period may petition to have one exam changed to another date/time. If one of the exams under consideration is a block exam, the block exam may not be the exam that is changed.

New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

New Exam Schedule

New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

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New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

New Exam Schedule and Result date For Class Six to Class Ten

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