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Kali Phos

Kali Phos. Kali Phos. is a constituent of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. It unites with albumen and creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Nervous symptoms indicate a deficiency of this cell-salt, which must be supplied to restore the normal condition. Whatever disease can be traced to the nerve degeneracy, we enter the field of Kali Phos. The nervous condition known as neurasthenia is a field in which this salt has become prominently curative. Biochemic Materia Medica

Brain feeling drained out and exhausted? Reach for that Kali Phos. It’s amazing how one dose of those sugar pills can make you feel perked up and want to get up and go. Brain overactive and you can’t go to sleep? Reach for that Kali Phos, banish sleeplessness and you’ll soon be sleeping like a baby.

Kali Phos

Kali Phos

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Kali Phos

Kali Phos

Kali Phos

Kali Phos

Kali Phos

Kali Phos

বাইওকেমিক মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

What does Kali Phosphoricome do that makes it act in two very opposite ways where the brain is concerned? All it does is to make sure the brain performs to its full capacity and as it ought to. Which means, stay active when it should and get its well-deserved rest when it should. Kali Phosphoricome is a great nerve tonic and it brings the brain back to its state of equilibrium.

There are physical, mental and emotional symptoms that call for the tissue salt

Kali Phosphoricome is the remedy for brain fog or nervous exhaustion. Anyone who has to use his mental capabilities a lot and feels drained out at the end of the day needs Kali Phosphoricome to help him cope. Without this tissue remedy, there could be many symptoms that are manifested – from a failing memory to anxiety, depression, hysteria and even insanity. It helps a lot for people prone to nightmares.

Kali Phosphoricome gives relief in cases of gangrene as well as septic conditions. It also alleviates the pain of sciatica and cancer. Bad breath and receding gums get better with Kali Phosphoricome. Taken for a few days before traveling, it helps to keep you fresh with hardly any jet lag so it’s great for businessmen who have to travel a lot and suffer from the ill effects of various time zones.

The results of the want of nerve power, such as prostration, loss of mental vigor, depression, brain-fog, softening of the brain, insanity, paralysis, epilepsy, hysteria, locomotor ataxia and when there is rapid decomposition of the blood. It is curative in septic hemorrhages, scorbutus, gangrene, stomatitis, offensive carrion-like diarrhea, dysentery, a dynamic or typhoid conditions, incontinence of urine, urticaria, predisposition of epistaxis in children, dizziness and vertigo from sleeplessness, nervous exhaustion, nervous dyspepsia, asthma, neuralgia, nervous headaches, tongue coated as if with dark liquid mustard. Symptoms are aggravated by noise, by mental or physical exertion, by rising from a sitting position. Pains worse in cold and ameliorated by gentle motion.

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