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SSC MCQ Question Ans. Risk and Uncertainty

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Risk and Uncertainty. Risk and uncertainty create obstacles in fulfilling goals for business organizations and investors and others, and we generally observe a deviation between the expected results and realized results of firms and investors. This risk plays an import role in making decisions by firms and investors. That is why it becomes necessary to recognize and measure risks before taking any business decision. In this chapter, we will learn different aspects of risks and uncertainty.

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Risk and Uncertainty

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Risk and Uncertainty

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Risk and Uncertainty

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Risk and Uncertainty

Rohan is a student of class nine. He expects to score GPA 5 in his S.S.C examinations. Mr. Rashed is the farmer.  He expects to get a good harvest from his lands. Sumon is a last year student of BBA program of Dhaka University. He expects to join a good job after completing his BBA degree. Here obtaining a GPA 5 by Rohan, getting a good harvest by Mr. Rashed and joining a good job by Sumon, everything is uncertain, because every event here is related to the future.

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SSC MCQ Question Ans. Risk and Uncertainty

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