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SSC MCQ Question Ans. Central Bank

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Central Bank. By means of studying, this chapter students will be able to learn about the role of Central Bank as a guardian and its contribution to the economy, business, agriculture and industry and they can realize the relationship between Central Bank and Government. In this chapter, a concept also has given on the different level of banking management and their responsibilities.

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Central Bank

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Central Bank

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Central Bank

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Central Bank

It was the time of the 17th century, different kinds of banks were evolved in different regions; thus the money market controlling activity became the most important activity. From this realization, Central Bank was established. This bank couldn’t leave money market in the own way rather it was liable to control the money market Mechanism. At the very beginning of civilization, Central Bank used to doing its responsibilities in currency circulation, money supply, and credit control. Different economist has given the definition of Central Bank in different ways.

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