SSC Higher Mathematics Note

SSC Higher Mathematics Note. The subject Higher Mathematics is applied worldwide in various researches of scientific innovation. Especially, the application of Higher Mathematics in Physics, Astronomy and space research is essential. Besides, Higher Mathematics is contributing meaningfully to various researches and experiments of everyday life. The learning of Higher Mathematics is very important to face the challenges of the scientific world of 21st century, with all these things under consideration; the book titled higher mathematics has been introduced at the secondary level. In this case, sincere attempts have been taken to make the book easy and delightful, giving due emphasis to the understanding ability of the students.

SSC Higher Mathematics Note

SSC Higher Mathematics Note

SSC Higher Mathematics Note

SSC Higher Mathematics Note

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In the curriculum, national ideals, aims, objectives, and demands of the time have been properly reflected. It will ensure also the learning of the students according to their age, talent, and receptivity. In addition, a broad range starting from moral and human values of the students, awareness of history and culture, the Liberation War, arts-literature-heritage, nationalism, environment, religion-caste-creed, and gender is given due importance. Everything is done in the curriculum to enable students to grow up a scientifically conscious nation to be able to apply science in every sphere of life and to realize the Vision of Digital Bangladesh 2021. All textbooks are written in light of this new curriculum. In the development of the textbooks, learners’ ability, inclination aptitude, and prior experience have been given due consideration. Special attention has been paid to the flourishing of creative talents of the students and for selecting and presenting the topics of the textbooks. At the beginning of every chapter, learning outcomes are added to indicate what they might learn. Various activities, creative questions, and other tasks are included to make teaching-learning and assessment more creative and effective. is such a website where you will get all kinds of necessary information regarding educational notes, suggestions and question patterns of schools, colleges, and madrasas. Particularly, you will get here special notes of physics that will be immensely useful to both students and teachers. The builder of the website is Mr. Md. Shah Jamal who has been serving for 32 years as an Assistant Professor of Physics at BAF Shaheen College Dhaka. He expects that this website will meet up all the needs of Bengali version learners /students. He has requested concerned students and teachers to spread this website home and abroad.

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