Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph. A clear skin needs a lot of work inside the body and one of the best ways to ensure your skin is clear is by making sure your blood and through it your body stays well oxygenated. Potassium sulphate is the salt that makes sure the oxygen you inhale gets transferred into the cells. While Ferr Phos makes sure it gets to the places where the oxygen is needed, it is Kali Sulphuricome uricome  that makes the transfer effective. Biochemic Materia Medica

Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph

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Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph

Kali Sulph

বাইওকেমিক  মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

This salt is essentially a ‘skin’ remedy and a lack of it can cause dull, sickly skin. When there’s enough of the salt in the body, that’s all the clear skin tips you need because the skin shows it – clear and glowing. This salt should be present in the right quantities in the epidermis of the skin in order to keep it clear and free from blemishes.

There are physical, mental and emotional symptoms that call for the tissue salt

Kali Sulphuricome uricome uricome or Kali Sulph for short.

Kali Sulphuricome uricome is an excellent remedy for conjunctivitis or sore eyes when the discharge is yellow. When a person has a bad cold and loses all sense of smell, Kali Sulphuricome uricome will help. The skin could have eruptions like eczema or dandruff but you’ll recognize the Kali Sulphuricome uricome  skin ailments because they will be scaly and yellow.

A lack of this salt will usually result in loose motions and a constant feeling of being full. There could also be a burning sensation in the stomach. Women go through scanty periods which come late and suffer from heaviness in the abdomen. Many suffer from shifting rheumatic pains that run through the body and the legs hurt at night.

A deficiency of this salt shows up in a very fast pulse. The person drops off to sleep, then wakes up with a start because he has had a nightmare. He could suffer from dizzy spells and vertigo and is usually very shy and timid, yet jealous and suspicious. His moods keep changing without any reason.

For the third stage of inflammatory or catarrhal condition, leucorrhoea, diarrhea, skin diseases, rheumatism, ulcerations, dyspepsia.

Kali Sulphuricome is a carrier of oxygen. It furnishes vitality to the epithelial tissues. Light yellow, sticky and watery secretions are the characteristics of this remedy. The chief indication for this remedy is the yellow deposit on the tongue. It has been given in bronchitis with yellow, slimy or thin, watery expectoration, in a whooping cough, pneumonia phthisis, skin diseases with a sticky yellowish secretion and peeling off of the epidermis. Epithelioma, rheumatism, retrocession of eruptions in measles. Dyspepsia with the slimy yellow coating of the tongue, catarrh of the bowels, diarrhea, leucorrhoea, ophthalmia etc; with light yellow, watery secretions; dandruff; yellow scales in skin diseases. Amenorrhoea, menstruation too late and too scanty with weight and fullness in the abdomen etc. All ailments are worse in a warm room and toward evening and better in cool, open air.

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