JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015 for academic session 2014-15 were started from 31 December 2015.
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
JSC and JDC result 2015 has published on 27 December 2015. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid has confirmed the JSC Result 2015 publication at a press briefing in the Ministry of Education on 31st October 2015.
Click here or JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
This year total 19,08,365 students have appeared in JSC and JDC examination 2015 at 2,250 centers across whole Bangladesh. The number of students is 4,70,252 more than the previous year. The students appeared in JSC and JDC examination from 27,642 educational institutions in Bangladesh. The number of total girls is 10,11,503 and total boys are 8,96,862.
Dhaka, Dec 27 (—The Education Minister on Thursday said that the free distribution of textbooks and stipend among the students of primary and secondary schools helped improve results of Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations.
“We want all to pass. We’re heading towards it,” Nurul Islam Nahid said after publishing the results.
“There’s progress in all the indexes of the results. The main reason is the ability to make each of the students interested in attending school.”
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
JSC and JDC result 2015 has published.
JSC and JDC result 2015 has published. JSC and JDC result 2015 has published on 27, December 2015. As soon as JSC and JDC Mark sheet will be published in this site. So keep your eye on this site to get JSC and JDC Mark sheet 2015 as soon as possible.
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
You can get the mark sheet from the link below.
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015
JSC and JDC Mark Sheet 2015