HSC Islamic History and Culture Note

HSC Islamic History and Culture Note. Islamic culture is a term primarily used in secular academia to describe the cultural practices common to historically Islamic people. The early forms of Muslim culture were predominantly Arab. With the rapid expansion of the Islamic empires, Muslim culture has influenced and assimilated much from the Persian, Caucasian, Bangladeshi, Turkic, Mongol, Indian, Malay, Somali, Berber, Egyptian, Indonesian, and Moro cultures. Islamic culture generally includes all the practices which have developed around the religion of Islam, including Qur’anic ones such as prayer (salat) and non-Qur’anic such as divisions of the world in Islam. It includes the Baul tradition of Bengal. There are variations in the application of Islamic beliefs in different cultures and traditions.

HSC Islamic History and Culture Note

HSC Islamic History and Culture Note

HSC Islamic History and Culture 1st paper Note

HSC Islamic History and Culture 2nd paper Note


Early Muslim literature is in Arabic, as that was the language of Muhammad’s communities in Mecca and Medina. As the early history of the Muslim community was focused on establishing the religion of Islam, its literary output was religious in character. See the articles on Qur’an, Hadith, and Sirah, which formed the earliest literature of the Muslim community. With the establishment of the Umayyad empire, secular Muslim literature developed. [citation needed] See The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. While having no religious content, this secular literature was spread by the Arabs all over their empires, and so became part of a widespread culture.

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