Ferrum Phos

Iron Phosphate is the salt that is called for at the start of any fever. If given as soon as the fever starts, it can very often bring the temperature down to normal. You usually need doses at very regular intervals – half an hour, maybe even fifteen minutes between doses when the fever is high. What Ferr Phos does essentially is to make sure that oxygen is carried to every part of the body. Biochemic Materia Medica

Ferrum Phos

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Ferrum Phos

Ferrum Phos

Ferrum Phos

Ferrum Phos

Ferrum Phos

Ferrum Phos

Ferrum Phos

বাইওকেমিক  মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

Ferrum Phos. is given in the initial stage of all congestions, inflammations and fevers. This salt possesses an affinity or attraction for oxygen and carries it to all parts of the body and hence is an important agent in all diseases in which the blood and the corpuscles are involved. Consequently, the first remedy in all cases depending upon the relaxed condition of the muscular tissue and in abnormal conditions of the corpuscles of the blood themselves. It gives strength to the circular wall of the blood vessels. It supplies the colour to the blood corpuscles. A deficiency of this cell salt is the cause of fevers and inflammatory conditions and so indicated in all febrile disturbances and in inflammatory and congestive diseases at the beginning, especially before exudation has commenced. The principal accompaniments of these conditions calling for Ferrum Phos are manifested by flushed face, fever with the full pulse, hot, dry skin, thirst, pain and redness on the part. An excellent remedy for anemia, chlorosis, pneumonia, inflammatory rheumatism, tonsillitis, diphtheria, cystitis, nosebleed, incontinence of urine, apoplexy, gastritis etc. The symptoms calling for this remedy are always aggravated by motion and ameliorated by cold.

Ferr Phos is an essential element in the red blood corpuscles and it helps them to attract more of the oxygen from the air that we breathe in. This action is accelerated when there is an infection anywhere in the body. More oxygen means the blood is empowered to fight any outside attack and the toxins are quickly cleaned out of the system, bringing the body back into a state of balance and normalcy.

There are physical, mental and emotional symptoms that call for the tissue salt

Ferrum Phosphoricome or Ferr Phos for short.

Think Ferr Phos and think ‘first’ in the fight against any illness or disease. When the red blood corpuscles of the blood are made stronger, it means the body can be better oxygenated and this, in turn, means any attack can be better repulsed and any weakness better attended to. Ferr Phos is rarely prescribed for ailments that are chronic or long-standing. It is of great help in the first stages of any ‘itis’ – be it laryngitis, bronchitis or tonsillitis. It also helps when there is a sudden earache that comes on, a sudden fever, nosebleed or sprain. You can progress to other tissue remedies after a dose of Ferr Phos has been given. It stops any internal bleeding and prevents inflammation. A patient who needs Ferr Phos usually has a red, flushed face.

A deficiency of Ferr Phos is one of the main causes of anemia. When there is sufficient Ferr Phos in the system, there is a better metabolization and absorption of iron. It’s a great tonic for women during their periods when the loss of blood makes them feel tired and run down. People who lack Ferr Phos usually have a craving for coffee and don’t like milk.

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