Calcaria Sulph

Calcaria Sulph. Calcium sulphate, also called gypsum or Plaster or Paris is a great remedy when the blood in the body is not as pure as it should be. When debris collects in the blood and the cleansing organs in the body cannot perform their tasks well, the impurities in the blood cause infection in various parts of the body. A sufficient amount of Calc Sulph in the body makes sure the blood stays clean and this in turn means the healthy functioning of so many organs. Biochemic Materia Medica

Calcaria Sulph

Calcaria Sulph

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Calcaria Sulph

Calcaria Sulph

Calcaria Sulph

Calcaria Sulph

Calcaria Sulph

Calcaria Sulph

বাইওকেমিক  মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

For suppurations, boils, carbuncles, gonorrhea and chronic catarrhal conditions.

This is a most excellent remedy in suppurations to which it is closely related. It is an eliminator of effete matter. A deficiency of this salt causes long protracted suppurations. It is indicated in swelling of the soft parts in connective tissue with threatened suppuration or where suppuration has already taken place. Abscesses either aborting or hastening suppuration. Suppurative stage of eruptive diseases of the skin. Boils, carbuncles, felons, pimples and pustules on the face; suppurative stage of gonorrhea; ‘in fact in all ailments where pus-formations are liable to develop or have already developed. Chronic catarrhal conditions with purulent secretions. Advanced stages of lung diseases. The true indication for this remedy is a thick, heavy yellow pus, sometimes streaked with blood. Symptoms are aggravated by getting wet or by washing and working in water,

There are physical, mental and emotional symptoms that call for the tissue salt

Calc Sulph is called for whenever there is pus anywhere in the body tinged with blood. There could be yellow discharges from the eyes and the discharges from the ears and nose are also yellow but tinged with blood. There’s a strange thing with Calc Sulph – those who have a deficiency and have a cold will find that the discharge is from the right nostril during the daytime and the left at night. The tongue is usually clay-colored.

Calc Sulph is also very good at clearing up boils or carbuncles on the back, especially the spine. This needs longer treatment and a dose a day of the right potency for a month often just makes the carbuncle get smaller till it disappears.

A Calc Sulph deficiency will usually be accompanied by thirst and hunger as well as a craving for wine, tea, sour fruits and green vegetables. A person with this deficiency is usually greedy and very irritable and discontented. He is also very ambitious. He feels better when he is warm and his problems are aggravated when he gets wet. Patients who suffer from typhoid fever get better much quicker when Calc Sulph is given along with any other medication that they might be taking.

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