Where there is a will there is a way

Where there is a will there is a way
Where there is a will there is a way

Where there is a will there is a way

Where there is a will there is a way
One day a father handed his son an old T-shirt and said, how much would it cost? The boy replied to his father for 1 dollar. Her father told her to sell it for ড 2. He thought a lot about how to sell an old T-shirt for 2 dollars. The teenage boy washed and cleaned the old dirty T-shirt. Then he dried the old clothes in the sun and put them under the pile and made the T-shirt equal. Then, after a long 6-hour effort, he was able to sell the T-shirt to a subway passenger for 2 dollars. Her father was happy with her work. The next day he gave the boy another similar dirty T-shirt and told him to sell it for 2 dollars. This ড 20 was very necessary for his family. The boy laughed when he heard his father’s impossible words. Because it is not possible to sell such an old T-shirt for 2 dollars in any way. Still, he tried. First, he washed and cleaned it nicely. Bought some paints and brushes for 2 dollars the day before and went to one of his friends to see if he could draw better. His friend drew a picture of a Mickey Mouse on the T-shirt. Then he went to many places to sell a T-shirt. After trying almost all day, one of the richest children in the city became very fond of the kindergarten child and the child took a deposit from his father to buy it. The baby’s father not only bought the dress for 20 dollars but also gave him another 5 dollars. And this 25 dollars was his family’s weekly income, which he earned in one day, he earned in one day. His father was very happy to see his son’s enthusiasm. The next day another old T-shirt in the same way, with the boy asking to sell it for ২০০ 200. This time the boy thinks a lot and wonders how he can do this. The movie “Charles Angels” was at the peak of popularity in America at that time. Farah Fowler, the heroine of the film, came to New York at that time to promote the film. When he went to the green room at the end of the press conference, he saw a small teenager standing. She wants an autograph on her t-shirt. He could not get rid of the whims of such a cute little boy. The next day the boy went to the auction house in Brooklyn to sell at auction the T-shirt autographed by Miss Farafowler. At the auction, the boy was able to sell the T-shirt for 1250 dollars. When the boy was worried about his future, his studies did not look good. Then he would sit on the hill next to his slum every day and watch the sunset. Just then the boy’s father called him to his side and said, what did you learn from selling T-shirts. The boy then thought a lot and replied seriously, Where there is a will there is a way. This story is by the famous American basketball player Michael Jordan.
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