Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh


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National Curriculum and Textbook Board commonly known as NCTB, the largest State-owned Publishing House of the world is responsible for the total supply of Textbooks for millions of learners, School beginners to Pre-University level learners of the country. This huge National Institution has four campuses. The main campus stations its Head office in a 12 storied & 7 storied twin buildings at 69-70, Motijheel C.A. It has two huge godowns, one at Tejgaon I.A. & another at Tongi which can accommodate about 20,000 metric tons of papers & thousands of books. NCTB provides accommodation to its regular staff & officers in 6 buildings in Rankin Street, Tejgaon & Tongi. The biggest organization under the Ministry of Education, NCTB is run by a huge budget of Taka 976.2 million per annum. A brief scenario is given here.

Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh

Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh

The Book has not been changed from 2013

Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh

Islam VIII

Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh

Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh

Class Eight NCTB Book 2013 Download

To Download Physics HSC Exam Note 2013 In PDF Format Click Here

Class 8 and Class 9, 10 All PDF Textbooks of Bangladesh Free Download

National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has published new year’s Textbooks for class 8 and 9,10. These classes comprises higher secondary education in Bangladesh as well as the rest of the world.

 Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh

These books are provided for free to all school going children of Bangladesh. Here are the PDF versions of the Textbooks for download. I hope, these books will be also helpful for others also as all had to read these in their childhood. So, download them and read to bring back your childhood life…


Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh

Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh


জে এস সি ২০১৮ এর অংক নোট

জে এস সি ২০১৮ এর বিজ্ঞান নোট

 8.01_ BGS English Version

8.02_ Buddist Rel English Version

8.03_ Christian Rel English Version

8.04_ Home Economics English Version

8.05_Ananda Path Bangla Version

8.06_Bangladesh & Bishwa porichoy Bangla Version

8.07_Biggan Bangla Version

8.08_BV Bangladesh o Bishwa porichoy Bangla Version

8.09_Charu&Karu Kola Bangla Version

8.10_Charu&Karu Kola English Version

8.11_English for Today English Version

8.12_Garhostha Biggan Bangla Version

8.13_Hindu Dhrmo Bangla Version

8.14_Hindu Rel English Version

8.15_Islam Rel English Version

8.16_Islam o Noitik Shikha Bangla Version

8.17_Math Bangla Version

8.18_Sahito Konika Bangla Version

8.19_Sharirik shikkha Bangla Version

২০১৮ শিক্ষাবর্ষের অষ্টম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক

ক্রমিক পাঠ্যপুস্তকের নামবাংলা ভার্সন ইংরেজি ভার্সন
১।আনন্দ পাঠ(বাংলা দ্রুত পঠন)
২।বাংলা ব্যকরণ ও নির্মিতি
৩।কৃষি শিক্ষা 
৪।গার্হস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান 
৫।শারীরিক শিক্ষা ও স্বাস্থ্য 
৬।তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি 
৭।কর্ম ও জীবনমুকী শিক্ষা  
৮।চারু ও কারুকলা  
৯।English for Today
১০।English Grammer and Composition
১১।সাহিত্য কনিকা
১২।বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিচয়
১৪।ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা
১৫।হিন্দুধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা
১৬।খ্রিষ্টান ধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা
১৭।বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা
১৯ JSC ২০১৮ বাংলা নোট 
২০JSC ২০১৮ বিজ্ঞান নোটDownload 
২১JSC ২০১৮ গণিত নোটDownload 
২২জে এস সি ২০১৮ এর বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিচয় নোটDownload 
২৩জে এস সি ২০১৮ এর ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা এর নোটDownload 
২৪জে এস সি ২০১৮ এর ICT এর নোটDownload 






























9-10.01_Accountin Eng

9-10.02_Accounting Beng

9-10.03_Arts and crft Eng

9-10.04_Babosha Udyog Beng

9-10.05_Babosha Udyog Eng


9-10.07_Bangladesh & global studiesEng

9-10.08_Biology Beng

9-10.09_Biology Eng

9-10.10_Buddhist Rel Bangla

9-10.11_Buddhist Reli Eng

9-10.12_Chemestry eng

9-10.13_Chemistry Bang

9-10.14_Christan Rel Eng

9-10.15_Christian Rel Bangla

9-10.16_Civics&citizenship Bangla

9-10.17_Civics&citizenship Eng

9-10.18_Economics Eng

9-10.19_Economics Bengali

9-10.20_English for Today

9-10.21_Finance & Banking Beng

9-10.22_Finance & Banking Eng

9-10.23_Geo Beng

9-10.24_Higher Math Beng

9-10.25_Higher Math Eng

9-10.26_Hindu Rel English

9-10.27_History of Bangladesh Bangla

9-10.28_History of Bangladesh Eng

9-10.29_Home Science Eng

9-10.30_Islam Rel Eng

9-10.31_Krishi Shikka English Version

9-10.32_Krishi Shikkha Bangla Version

9-10.33_Mathematics Bangla Version

9-10.34_Mathematics Eng

9-10.35_Physical Education Eng

9-10.36_Physics Eng

9-10.37_Physics Beng

9-10.38_Science Eng

9-10.39_Secondary Computer Study Beng

Click Here to Download Other classes NCTB Books 

These books are so easy for reading, still once it was hard for all of us to memorize these in childhood. I hope, you will download them and read them to remember many unforgettable memories.

Thank you for reading this post about Class 8 and 9,10 All Textbooks of Bangladesh (PDF version).

See other Ebooks in the Education Category of this website.

Text Book of Class VIII and IX, X All PDF National Curriculum & Textbook Board Bangladesh 

teachingbd24.com is such a website where you would get all kinds of necessary information regarding educational notes, suggestions and questions’ patterns of school, college and madrasahs. Particularly you will get here special notes of physics that will be immensely useful to both students and teachers. The builder of the website is Mr. Md. Shah Jamal Who has been serving for 30 years as an Asst. Professor of BAF Shaheen College. He expects that this website will meet up all the needs of Bengali version learners /students. He has requested concerned both students and teachers to spread this website home and abroad.

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