
Silicea. The lack of Silicon Dioxide in the body shows in the hair, the nails and the skin. You’ll find that a deficiency will show in one or all three of these places. It could be split ends, falling hair, brittle nails or even sallow looking skin. With a dose of Silicea every day for a month or two and a once-a-day Silicea gel application, split ends could well be history. So will expensive split ends treatment at the salon. What you will also notice is that your hair grows out thicker, there are fewer hairs on your brush and your nails and skin start to look healthier. Biochemic Materia Medica



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বাইওকেমিক  মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

It acts more upon the organic substances of the body, involving prominently bones, joints, glands, skin and mucous surfaces, producing malnutrition and corresponding to the scrofulous diathesis. Its action is deep and long-lasting It is especially suited to imperfectly nourished constitutions. It is a remedy for deep-seated chronic and acute suppurations and ulcerations, affecting the tendons, periosteum and bone. promotes suppuration. Indicated when there is hardness and indurations with suppuration. Infiltrations terminating in suppuration. It ripens abscesses by promoting suppurations. Valuable also in diseases resulting from suppressed foot sweats. Metrorrhagia in menstruation, associated with icy coldness over the whole body. Constipation and fetid foot-sweats. Ozena, carbuncles, tonsillitis, scrofula, syphilitic indurations, glandular swellings which become hard and threaten to suppurate. Styes on eyelids. Epilepsy especially nocturnal arid with change of moon. Gouty deposits in large joints of fingers. Chronic dyspepsia, copious night sweats especially in phthisis. Third stage of tuberculosis. Symptoms are always worse at night, during full moon, in the open air and from suppressed foot sweats and are better by the application of heat and warmth.

You cannot mistake a person whose body needs Silicon Dioxide – he’ll stick his feet out of the covers at night even when it’s cold because of burning soles. A few doses of Silicon Dioxide are all it takes to feel all right again. This is a great salt that helps the body get rid of any organic matter that is superfluous in the body. Once this is flushed out as waste, the body goes back to feeling normal. The cleansing process could be a bit slow if there are years of accomeulated waste and toxins – but Silicon Dioxide goes about it efficiently and thoroughly. It is the body’s vacuum cleaner and it throws out all the waste in pus-filled boils or any area that has a septic condition. Silicon Dioxide is great at the beginning of hip-joint disease and using it regularly can reverse the condition in the early stages.

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