BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

BAF Shaheen College is a co-educational Bangladeshi school (Grade KG-XII) situated in Dhaka Cantonment. The college was established on 1 March 1960 as Shaheen School (English Medium). Bangla Medium was introduced from 1967, in parallel with English Medium. Shaheen High School was renamed as B A F Shaheen College Dhaka for opening Intermediate Level from 1977. The college has classes from KG to H.S.C as per the regulations of DG, Secondary and Higher Education, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Dhaka. The web address is

BAF Shaheen College Dhaka

BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

***এক নজরে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির প্রাক-নির্বাচনি পরীক্ষার সংশোধিত আসনবিন্যাস (০৯/০৯/১৮)***

BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

একটি বিশেষ শোক সংবাদ।

গত ৭/৬/২০১৮ তারিখ দিবাগত রাত ১২টায় বি এ এফ শাহীন কলেজ ঢাকার প্রাক্তন শিক্ষিকা বেগম রোকেয়া রহমান বার্ধক্য জনিত রোগে আক্রান্ত হয়ে মহাখালিস্থ আয়শা মেমোরিয়াল হাসপাতালে ইন্তেকাল করেছেন। ইন্নালিল্লাহে ওয়া ইন্না ইলাইহে রাজেউন।

BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka


HSC Routine 2019



The college is co-educational. There are about 6000 students and 165 teaching staff. An English Medium curriculum has been introduced in one section each of the classes from KG to V from 2006 as per NCTB, along with the existing Bangla Medium.

The Bangla Medium School awards the nationally recognized Secondary School Certification (comparable to year 10 graduation). Similarly, the College Section awards the Higher Secondary Certification (comparable to year 12 graduation).

Unlike the Bangla medium section, Shaheen English Medium School (SEMS) offers a program leading to the GCE and O-Level, recognized by the GCE board of the United Kingdom.

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BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

The image of HSC Exam routine 2019 has published Here

BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka is a renowned educational institution, well-run by Bangladesh Air Force, under the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, Department of Secondary and Higher Education and the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Dhaka. Amongst the present six Shaheens, this is one of the best. The college provides education for the students from play-group to class XII. Providing education is not the only purpose of this college. One of the most important purposes of this college is to buildup educated, honest, healthy and above all patriotic citizens. The military advice of the college is ‘Education-Self restraint-Discipline.’ All the actions done by the college have been designed with utmost sincerity to make those ethics real. Besides book-learning, the college has been maintaining the tradition of providing excellent opportunities for practicing games, athletics, physical exercise, dance, music, recitation, debate, and various crafts. From the beginners to the higher classes, the students are brought up in a congenial atmosphere of co-education. Each and every student of the college introduces him/herself as a ‘Shaheen’. Shaheen means Eagle having the nature of flying in the free sky at a high speed. Therefore, a Shaheen is a bird attaining salvation. He roams around with utmost courage, in such an environment which is pure, sinless, clean and embeds in free thinking. The objective this institution expects from a shaheen is one main content of this brochure. In fact, following the directions, described in this brochure, the students will find a convenient way to lead the future life-this is our strong belief.



BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka



Physics Suggestion 1st paper Dhaka, Barisal, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Jessore, Comilla, Dinajpur, Sylhet Board

Physics Suggestion 2nd paper Dhaka, Barisal, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Jessore, Comilla, Dinajpur, Sylhet Board

Computer study Suggestion 1st paper Dhaka, Barisal, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Jessore, Comilla, Dinajpur, Sylhet Board


BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka


BAF Shaheen College Tejgaon Dhaka

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