Natrum Sulph

Natrum Sulph. Sodium sulphate is essential for the body to throw out the excess water that gets accomeulated in various parts of the body. It is also the salt that regulates the bile in the body. When there is an imbalance in the secretion of bile, the liver acts up and its effects are felt all over the body. This is especially so when a person has had a little too much to drink. The liver cannot cope with too much at a time and it rebels with nausea and a heavy head. A few doses of Nat Sulph at night make sure that you don’t wake up feeling like death the next day. Of course, the best way would be not to overdo it on the booze front but if you do end up drinking more than you should, remember to drink two glasses of water and have two doses of Nat Sulph, the second dose ten minutes after the first. Biochemic Materia Medica

Natrum Sulph

Natrum Sulph

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Natrum Sulph

Natrum Sulph

Natrum Sulph

Natrum Sulph

Natrum Sulph

Natrum Sulph

বাইওকেমিক  মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

Natrum Sulphuricome or Nat Sulph for short.

A person who needs Nat Sulph is usually worse in wet, rainy weather and there’s a lot of yellowness in the discharges – the urine, thick, yellow, lumpy discharges from the nose and if it progresses to jaundice, then yellow skin and eyes. When things get bad, there’s always a sick bilious rising from the stomach and the mouth has a bitter taste. Nat Sulph is a great remedy for the fever that keeps coming and going, especially for dengue fever and all types of infectious fevers.

This salt aids and regulates the excretion of the superficial water. It eliminates and excess of water from the blood. It keeps the bile in normal consistency. The three natrum salts work in the body as follows. Natrum Phos creates the water by splitting up of lactic acid; Nat Mur distributes the water through the system. Nat. Sulph. regulates the quantity of water in the organism. Nat. Sulph. is preeminently a liver remedy. It exhibits a marked similarity to the uric acid diathesis and is certainly a valuable remedy in combating or numerous phases of that malady. Dirty, brownish green or grayish-green coating on the root of the tongue. Dark greenish stools from the excess of bile, bitter taste, vomiting of bile, diabetes from jaundice, bilious headache, dropsy, diseases of the liver. Excellent in influenza, intermittent fever and ague in all stages with vomiting and other bilious symptoms. Enlargement of the liver, erysipelas, smooth, red shiny eruptions coming in blotches with swelling of the skin. Gravel, sand in urine, gout, fig warts, asthma and dyspnoea aggravated by the change to damp weather, edematous inflammations of the skin, skin diseases with moist, yellowish scales, yellow watery secretions in all vesicles. Vomiting in pregnancy with the bitter taste, fistulous abscesses discharging watery secretions, a tendency to warts around the eyes, scalp, face, chest and arms etc. Symptoms are worse in the morning, in damp, wet weather and from lying on left side. Relief in warm dry weather and in the open air.

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