Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos. Sodium phosphate is the great pH balancer in the body and is one of the most effective natural antacids there is. Whenever there is more acid than necessary in your body, your digestion suffers and there’s heartburn, flatulence, sometimes constipation, sometimes diarrhea. All this adds up to your metabolic rate not being what it should with the result of more weight than what should be your optimum weight as well as water retention – which also adds to your weight. If you are looking for fast weight loss, Nat Phos is not for you – it’s a remedy that prides itself on being slow and sure. So no quick weight loss with Nat Phos but it’s steady weight loss till you reach your optimum weight – and the great thing is, the weight stays off! Biochemic Materia Medica

Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos

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Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos

Natrum Phos

বাইওকেমিক  মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

Natrum Phosphoricome or Nat Phos for short.

How do you know you need Nat Phos? The signs are in your saliva and your urine. All you need to do is to get yourself some pH paper from the pharmacy and test either your urine or saliva. If the reading is over 6.4, it means your pH is acidic and it calls for this tissue remedy.

Look at some of the other signs that tell you that you could have an acidic constitution. There could be a tendency to gout – with a lot of pain in the big toe – or rheumatism of the joints, the tongue, and the tonsils are covered with a creamy yellow coating which screams ‘excess acid’, any discharge from the nose, throat

or eyes have that same creamy-yellow color and there’s a certain ‘sourness’ in the perspiration, the saliva, the urine. When the pain in the joints grows less, there’s pain in the chest and very often it is this pain caused by acidity that makes people feel they are having a heart attack. Acid reflux or GERD also benefit a lot from this cell salt.

Eczema is yet another symptom of excess acid in the body and very often, the Nat

Phos eczema manifests itself at the ankles with intolerable itching. A deficiency of this salt also results in diabetes which seems to disappear when this salt is given, washing out the excess sugar in the blood as it were.

Through the presence of this salt, lactic acid is decomposed in carbonic acid and water. It eliminates the carbonic acid through the lungs. It has also the power to eliminate any excess of sugar from the blood.

This is the remedy in all cases where there is an excess of lactic acid. It acts also upon the bowels, glands, lungs and abdominal organs. Deficiency of this salt in the gastric juice will bring about acid and sour fermentations, and so it cures sour belching and sour rising of fluids. Sour vomiting, sour eructation with flatulence, greenish, sour smelling, diarrhea, colic, spasms due to acid conditions of the stomach. Fever from the acidity of a stomach in children. Febrile condition with acid and sour smelling perspiration. Ague with the characteristic coating of the tongue. Thick, moist, golden yellow coating of the tongue and palate and also a creamy yellowish exudation are the characteristic symptoms calling for this remedy. Eye complaints discharging a creamy yellow matter. Intestinal worms. Incontinence of urine in children with acidity. Atony of a bladder, seminal emissions without dreams, leucorrhoea. with creamy or honey-colored or acid and watery discharge, uterine displacements accompanied by rheumatic pains. Goiter, scrofulosis with acid symptoms. Hives, crusta lactea.

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