Math Solution of Semiconductor and Electronics. The present ear is called the era of Electronics. Nowadays application of electronics is seen in our everyday life-like radio, television, VCR, computer, the internet, mobile, i-pad, etc. Electronics is originated from the word electron. Electronics in a branch of physics dealing with the flow of electrons in devices like valves or semiconductor devices. The working of the devices in general, depends upon the regulation of the flow of electrons. So the branch of physics which deals the control of the motion of the electron through the vacuum or through the gas or through any solid substance is called electronics.
Math Solution of Semiconductor and Electronics
The antiquity of nuclear physics as a correction distinct from atomic physics starts with the finding of radiation by Henri Becquerel in 1896 while inspecting phosphorescence in uranium salts. The unearthing of the electron by J. J. Thomson a year later was a suggestion that the atom had inside construction. At the turn of the 20th century, the known model of the atom was J. J. Thomson’s plum sweet model in which the atom was a large definitely charged ball with small damagingly exciting electrons entrenched inside of it. By the turn of the period, physicists had also exposed three types of radiation originating from atoms, which they named alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. is such a website where you would get all kinds of necessary information regarding educational notes, suggestions and questions’ patterns of school, college, and madrasahs. Particularly you will get here special notes of physics that will be immensely useful to both students and teachers. The builder of the website is Mr. Md Shah Jamal Who has been serving for 30 years as an Asst. Professor of BAF Shaheen College. He expects that this website will meet up all the needs of Bengali version learners /students. He has requested concerned both students and teachers to spread this website home and abroad.