Temperature is a physical quantity that is a measure of hotness and coldness on a numerical scale. It is a measure of the local thermal energy of matter or radiation; it is measured by a thermometer, which may be calibrated in any of various temperature scales, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, etc., etc.
Empirically it is found that an isolated system, one that exchanges no energy or material with its environment, tends to a spatially uniform temperature as time passes. When a path permeable only to heat is open between two bodies, energy always flows spontaneously as heat from a hotter body to a colder one. The flow rate increases with the temperature difference and with a property of the path called the thermal conductance. Between two bodies with the same temperature, connected by a path permeable only to heat, no energy will flow. These bodies are said to be “in the relation of thermal equilibrium”. In a body in its personal internal thermal equilibrium, the temperature is spatially uniform.
In kinetic theory and in statistical mechanics, temperature is explained by the motions and interactions of microscopic constituents such as molecules and photons.her or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils and students.
Math Solution of Temperature
Math Solution of Temperature
Math Solution of Temperature
Math Solution of Temperature
Math Solution of Temperature
Math Solution of Temperature
Math Solution of Temperature