Math Solution of Gravitation

Gravitation, or gravity, is the natural phenomenon by which physical bodies appear to attract each other with a force proportional to their masses. It is most commonly experienced as the agent that gives weight to objects with mass and causes them to fall to the ground when dropped. The phenomenon of gravitation itself, however, is a byproduct of a more fundamental phenomenon described by general relativity, which suggests that spacetime is curved according to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present.

Gravitation is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature, along with electromagnetism, and the nuclear strong force and weak force. In modern physics, the phenomenon of gravitation is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity by Einstein, in which the phenomenon itself is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime governing the motion of inertial objects. The simpler Newton’s law of worldwide gravitation provides an accurate approximation for most physical conditions including calculations as critical as spacecraft trajectory.

Math Solution of Gravitation

Math Solution of Gravitation

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Math Solution of Gravitation

Math Solution of Gravitation

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Math Solution of Gravitation

Math Solution of Gravitation

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Math Solution of Gravitation

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Math Solution of Gravitation


Math Solution of Gravitation

Math Solution of Gravitation

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