JSC Math Note2 1st Chapter patterns. Diverse nature is full of patterned patterns. We recognize this diversity of nature with the help of counting and numbers. Patterns have been involved in our lives in many ways. A pattern that separates the red-blue block of the baby – the red will go towards it, the blue ones will be on the other side. She learns to count – the number is a pattern. Again the multiples of 5 are 0 or 5 at the end, this is also a pattern. Identifying the number pattern – it is an important part of the ability to solve mathematical problems. Again, we see geometric patterns in different styles, different designs, and designs on different structures. This chapter will discuss the number and geometrical pattern.
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Thanking those who sincerely gave me intellectuals and poems for writing, editing, painting, sampling and publishing textbook. Hopefully, the textbook will ensure the student’s delightful reading and achieve the expected skills.
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