JSC and JDC Result 2020 Bangladesh Education board

JSC and JDC Result 2020 Bangladesh Education board.  JSC and Equivalent students are going through a tensed moment as the result is knocking at the door. It is their main government examination in life after the examination. So, the result means a lot to them. Many people are searching for the clue to the result date. As, this year, in 2020, the exam schedule was very long as a result of political disharmony in Bangladesh. This year the result will publish on 31 December 2020.JSC and JDC Result 2019 Bangladesh Education board

JSC and JDC Result 2020 Bangladesh Education board

রেজাল্টের জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করুন ১ম লিংক।

রেজাল্টের জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করুন ২য় লিংক।

SMS Method to Get JSC/JDC Result 2020

Type JSC or JDC[Space ]First 3 letters of your Education Board[Space]Roll no[Space]Passing year And Send To16222.

JSC DHA 147895 2014 and Send to 162222

SMS Method To Get JDC Result 2014

JDC MAD 178921 2014 And Send To 16222

The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka was established on 7 May 1921 according to the recommendation of the Sadler Commission. Intermediate colleges and high schools in Dhaka city and Islamic intermediate colleges and high madrasah of greater Bengal were under the control of that board. An advisory board made by the director of the public education department of greater Bengal was given the authority to govern the board.

সকল বোর্ডের JSC ও JDC এর ফল পুনঃনিরিক্ষণের নিয়মাবলি 

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