Chemistry, a branch of physical science, is the study of the composition, properties and behavior of matter.As it is a fundamental component of matter, the atom is the basic unit of chemistry. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, with particular focus on the properties of the chemical bonds formed between species. Chemistry is also concerned with the interactions between atoms or molecules and various forms of energy (e.g. photochemical reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, changes in phases of matter, separation of mixtures, properties of polymers, etc.).
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HSC Syllabus of Chemistry Session 2013-14
HSC Syllabus of Chemistry Session 2013-14
HSC Syllabus of Chemistry Session 2013-14
HSC Syllabus of Chemistry Session 2013-14
HSC Syllabus of Chemistry Session 2013-14
HSC Syllabus of Chemistry Session 2013-14
HSC Syllabus of Chemistry Session 2013-14
Chemistry is sometimes called “the central science” because it bridges other natural sciences like physics, geology and biology with each other.Chemistry is a branch of physical science but distinct from physics.[5]
The etymology of the word chemistry has been much disputed.[6] The genesis of chemistry can be traced to certain practices, known as alchemy, which had been practiced for several millennia in various parts of the world, particularly the Middle East
The word chemistry comes from the word alchemy, an earlier set of practices that encompassed elements of chemistry, metallurgy, philosophy, astrology, astronomy, mysticism and medicine; it is commonly thought of as the quest to turn lead or another common starting material into gold.[8] Alchemy, which was practiced around 330, is the study of the composition of waters, movement, growth, embodying, disembodying, drawing the spirits from bodies and bonding the spirits within bodies (Zosimos).[9] An alchemist was called a ‘chemist’ in popular speech, and later the suffix “-ry” was added to this to describe the art of the chemist as “chemistry”.
The word alchemy in turn is derived from the Arabic word al-kīmīā . The Arabic term is borrowed from the Greek χημία or χημεία.This may have Egyptian origins. Many believe that al-kīmīā is derived from χημία, which is in turn derived from the word Chemi or Kimi, which is the ancient name of Egypt in Egyptian.[10] Alternately, al-kīmīā may be derived from χημεία, meaning “cast together”.
In retrospect, the definition of chemistry has changed over time, as new discoveries and theories add to the functionality of the science. The term “chymistry”, in the view of noted scientist Robert Boyle in 1661, meant the subject of the material principles of mixed bodies. In 1663, “chymistry” meant a scientific art, by which one learns to dissolve bodies, and draw from them the different substances on their composition, and how to unite them again, and exalt them to a higher perfection – this definition was used by chemist Christopher Glaser.