HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) is an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Education (MoE) in Bangladesh responsible for the development of curriculum, production and distribution of textbooks at primary, secondary and higher secondary levels.

HSC Revised new curriculum 2013

HSC new curriculum 2014

HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

HSC new curriculum 2013

HSC new curriculum 2013

HSC Revised new curriculum 2013

HSC Revised new curriculum 2013

Click Here to Download Revised New curriculum 2014-15 in PDF Format

HSC new curriculum 2013

HSC new curriculum 2014

HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

HSC new curriculum 2014

HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

HSC new curriculum 2014

HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

HSC new curriculum 2014

HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

HSC new curriculum 2014

HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

HSC new curriculum 2014

HSC Revised new curriculum 2014

Curriculum In formal education, a curriculum is the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives.

Other definitions combine various elements to describe curriculum as follows:

All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school. (John Kerr)

Outlines the skills, performances, attitudes, and values pupils are expected to learn from schooling. It includes statements of desired pupil outcomes, descriptions of materials, and the planned sequence that will be used to help pupils attain the outcomes.

The total learning experience provided by a school. It includes the content of courses (the syllabus), the methods employed (strategies), and other aspects, like norms and values, which relate to the way the school is organized.

The aggregate of courses of study given in a learning environment. The courses are arranged in a sequence to make learning a subject easier. In schools, a curriculum spans several grades.

Curriculum can refer to the entire program provided by a classroom, school, district, state, or country. A classroom is assigned sections of the curriculum as defined by the school. For example, a fourth grade class teaches the part of the school curriculum that has been designed as developmentally appropriate for students who are approximately nine years of age.

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