HSC Islamic History and Culture 2nd Paper 6th Chapter Note The emergence of independent and sovereign Bangladesh. During March 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s assertion of the right to self-rule made him one of the most globally visible personalities of the Third World. After nearly 42 years of existence as an independent nation-state, there is a tendency to take our nationhood for granted. This comfortable belief is, however, an injustice. Bangladesh emerged under unique circomestances, which even today are influencing our national politics. While many leaders and activists played a part in the long struggle for the emergence of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s role was critical. National vs religious identities.
HSC Islamic History and Culture 2nd Paper 6th Chapter Note The emergence of independent and sovereign Bangladesh.
After nearly 42 years of existence as an independent nation-state, there is a tendency to take our nationhood for granted. This comfortable belief is, however, an injustice. Bangladesh emerged under unique circomestances, which even today are influencing our national politics. While many leaders and activists played a part in the long struggle for the emergence of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s role was critical. National vs religious identities Before we became Bangladeshis, we were Indians and then Pakistanis. Our Indian identity was the byproduct of conquest when rulers from Northern India incorporated the peoples of Bengal into a succession of empires, which culminated in British India for two centuries from 1757 to 1947.
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