HSC ICT Suggestion and Question Patterns 2019-4

HSC ICT Suggestion and Question Patterns 2019-4. Information and communication technology Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2019. Computer science (abbreviated CS or CompSci) is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded in bits and bytes in a computer memory or transcribed engines and protein structures in a human cell. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.

HSC ICT Suggestion and Question Patterns 2019-4

HSC ICT Suggestion and Question Patterns 2019-4

Model Question No. 4

HSC ICT Suggestion and Question Patterns 2019-4

HSC ICT Suggestion and Question Patterns 2019-4

In modern society, ICT is ever-present, with over three billion people having access to the Internet. With approximately 8 out of 10 Internet users owning a smartphone, information and data are increasing by leaps and bounds.[24] This rapid growth, especially in developing countries, has led ICT to become a keystone of everyday life, in which life without some facet of technology renders most of clerical, work and routine tasks dysfunctional. The most recent authoritative data, released in 2014, shows “that Internet use continues to grow steadily, at 6.6% globally in 2014 (3.3% in developed countries, 8.7% in the developing world); the number of Internet users in developing countries has doubled in five years (2009-2014), with two thirds of all people online now living in the developing world.”

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HSC ICT Suggestion and Question Patterns 2019-4

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