EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. The sources of Shariat

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. The sources of Shariat. The word Iman is derived from the verb root Amun, which means to believe to repose faith, to recognize, to rely on, to accept etc. In the Islamic parlance, Iman denotes belief in the laws and regulations of Islamic Shariat athcart, to confess in words and to demonstrate in practice. Introducing Imam

Prophet (Sm) says-Meaning: Iman isBelief in Allah,

His Angels, Scriptures, Prophets, life after death, fate (good and evil both follow from Allah, Sahih Muslim Sharif) In fact, absolute faith in the fundamentals of Islam is called Iman.

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. The sources of Shariat

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. The sources of Shariat

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. The sources of Shariat

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. The sources of Shariat

SSC MCQ Question Ans.  The source of Shariat. The word Iman is derived from the verb root Amun, which means to believe to repose faith, to recognize, to rely on, to accept etc. In the Islamic parlance, Iman denotes belief in the laws and regulations of Islamic Shariat Cathcart, to confess in words and to demonstrate in practice. The elementary issucs of faith arc describcd in dctail in thc divinc scripturc Al-Quran and the traditions of the Messenger of Allah (Sm.) The basic issues of faith have been comprehensively laid down in the formula of Iman Mufassal.

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EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. The sources of Shariat

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