EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Set and Function

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Set and Function. The word set is familiar to us, such as dinner set, a set of natural numbers, a set of rational numbers, etc.  As a modern weapon of mathematics, the use of set is extensive. The German mathematician Gore get Cantor (1844 –1918) first explained his opinion about the set. He created a sensation in mathematics by expressing the idea of an infinite set and his conception of the set is known as set theory’. In this chapter, the main objectives are to solve problems through using mathematics and symbols from the conception of a set and to acquire knowledge about function.

SSC MCQ Question Ans. Set and Function

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Set and Function

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Set and Function

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Set and Function

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EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Set and Function

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