EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Inequality. We have acquired knowledge about equation or equality. But inequality also has an important and extensive role in practical life. Among all the things which are seen every day in nature, the measure of any kind of any two like objects, animals or men are not the same; even these objects, animals or men are not like looking. Due to this reason, we need knowledge of inequality.
EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Inequality
Suppose, there are 200 students in a class. Obviously, all the students do not come to the class every day. If the number of present students is x on a particular day we can write 0 < x ≤ 200. In a similar situation, we see that not all the invited persons become present in a ceremony. A clear conception of inequalities is needed in making dresses and other consumer goods. Essential materials for constructing buildings, printing books and for many other similar works cannot be estimated exactly. So, initially, we have to buy or collect those essential materials on the basis of the guess. Therefore, it is understood that the knowledge of inequalities is very essential in our everyday life.
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