EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Ideal Autobiographies

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Ideal Autobiographies. “Model” has the Arabic synonym ‘Uswa’. “Model” signifies that what can be copied, imitated, followed in such matters as mannerism, rules, and regulations etc. Ideal life” or Ideal for life” are generally those lives of great men which if followed would render man’s total life decent and successful. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) the last and final Prophet and Messenger of Allah is the best model for our life. As Allah the Most High says.

Meaning: Surely, there is for you the best model in the life of Rasulullah (S), Sura: AlAhzab, Ayat21) Besides this, the excellent qualities of those great men who earned glory as noble men by following the path of the holy Prophet (S) and who inspired and encouraged mankind for the right path are also our ideals.

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Ideal Autobiographies

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Ideal Autobiographies

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Ideal Autobiographies

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Ideal Autobiographies

The traits of ideal lives: Two traits characterize such lives. Such as a) Positive (Acceptable) qualities and b) Negative (rejectable) qualities. Among the acceptable and positive qualities some are enumerated as under a) a happy combination of honesty, faithfulness, liberality, forbearance, b) Self-control, benevolence, charity, s thy, tolerance, humility and tenderness, c) Discipline.

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EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Ideal Autobiographies

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