EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Equations

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Equations. It  has  been  before  that  unknown quantities  or  variables  are  very  important  in Algebra. In practical life, we use x, y, z etc. as symbols to represent the unspecified object, number or objects. These symbols are called variables or unknown quantities. An expression is formed with more than one unknown quantity or variable; such as 2x + y, x2 + z, x + y + 2z etc. When an unknown quantity or expression is equated to a definite number or value, then it is called an equation. The equation is a very important topic in Algebra. A lot of practical problems can be solved using equations.

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Equations

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Equations

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Equations

Linear and quadratic equations in one variable and linear equations in two variables have been discussed in details in Secondary Algebra Book. A quadratic equation in one variable can be solved easily after factorizing the left-hand side of the equation if the roots are rational. But all expressions cannot be factorized easily. That is why the following procedure is used to solve the quadratic equation of any form.

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EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Equations

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