EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Aquaid and Moral Life

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Aquaid and Moral Life. Aqaid is the plural form of Aqida. It denotes a set of beliefs; firm belief in all basic elements of Islam is regarded as Aqaid. Islam is the only Deen or code of life as chosen by Allah, the highest. It consists of two aspects. While one is related to belief, another to practical conduct or application. The aspect related to belief is Aqaid and it includes Allah, Prophets, Angels, Revealed, Scriptures, and Life after Death, Paradise, and Hell. These are established and proved by AlQuran and AlHadith.

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Aquaid and Moral Life

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Aquaid and Moral Life

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Aquaid and Moral Life

EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Aquaid and Moral Life

To become a Muslim one must repose faith on them all. This is to be followed by the practical aspects such as prayer, fasting, Hajj, and Zakat. In fact, it is through the elements of Aqaid that one enters into the fold of Islam. This naturally precedes any discussion on Islam.

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EV SSC MCQ Question Ans. Aquaid and Moral Life

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