English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014. Accounting or accounting, is the production of information about a company and the transmission of such information to those who have with those who need. Communication is generally in the form of financial statements that present in monetary terms the economic resources under the control of the management, the art lies in the selection of relevant information for the user and is a faithful image. The accounting principles are applied to commercial entities in three divisions of artistic practice, the name of the accounting, accounting and audit.
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
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English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
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English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
English Version Accounting Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2014
Accountancy, or accounting, as the production of financial records about an organization.[1][2] Accountancy generally produces financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management; selecting information that is relevant and representing it faithfully. The principles of accountancy are applied to accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing.[3]
Many tedious accounting practices have been simplified with the help of computer software. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software provides a comprehensive, centralized, integrated source of information that companies can use to manage all major business processes, from purchasing to manufacturing to human resources. This software can replace up to 200 individual software programs that were previously used. Computer integrated manufacturing allows products to be made and completely untouched by human hands and can increase production by having fewer errors in the manufacturing process. Computers have reduced the cost of accomeulating, storing, and reporting managerial accounting information and have made it possible to produce a more detailed account of all data that is entered into any given system. Computers have changed the business to business interaction through e-commerce.
Rather than dealing with multiple companies to purchase products a business can purchase a product at a less expensive price and take out the third party and vastly reduces expenses companies once accrued. Inter-organizational information system enables suppliers and businesses to be connected at all times. When a company is low on a product the supplier will be notified and fulfill an order immediately which eliminates the need for someone to do inventory, fill out the proper docomeents, send them out and wait for their products.
Accounting is thousands of years old; the earliest accounting records, which date back more than 7,000 years, were found in Mesopotamia (Assyrians). The people of that time relied on primitive accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting evolved, improving over the years and advancing as business advanced.