The Casino Rank website offers informational content aimed at familiarizing players with game concepts and terms. You can visit the site and find more useful information by following this link: In this article, we will explore the term “cap.” In poker, the concept of “cap” refers to a limit or upper restriction placed on bets, raises, or other parameters in the game. In the context of poker, the term has several meanings.
Cap on rake
Also known as a “rake limit,” this refers to the maximum commission (rake) that can be taken from players in cash games. This is set by the poker platform (room). Rake is the percentage of the winning pot that goes to the poker room or online casino. This serves as a form of protection for the players’ interests, ensuring that the commission for participation doesn’t become too high and “eat” a significant portion of the prize. The rake cap is set as a percentage and can vary depending on several factors – the type of game, the number of players, the table format, and more.
Cap at cash tables
In this case, as noted here, the term “cap” also refers to limits placed on the size of bets and raises in poker competitions. Such restrictions are necessary to regulate the game and prevent excessively high bets, which could significantly affect the dynamics of the hand. In tournaments with a capped betting structure, a player typically cannot make more than three raises during a single hand. This limitation helps manage the betting structure and level of action.
Cap in tournaments
In tournament play, this limit works as follows: one player makes a blind, the second raises, and makes a re-raise. A third player raises again (makes a second re-raise). At this point, the cap comes into effect, and further actions can only involve calling or folding, but not additional raises.
This restriction helps keep the game within certain boundaries and prevents overly aggressive situations from arising. Additionally, the cap in tournaments ensures a fair distribution of actions and opportunities among all participants. When starting to play poker, it is important to thoroughly understand the specific type of game chosen. This will allow you to know whether a cap is in place and how it can be applied. Setting a “cap” makes the game more predictable and fair, preventing overly aggressive betting.