Calcaria Phos

Calcaria Phos. For anaemia, chlorosis, deficient development, dentition disorders, bone affections, dyspepsia etc.

The sphere of the Phosphate of Lime includes all bone diseases, whether due to some inherited dyscrasia or to defective nutrition in osseous and other structures dependent upon a proper distribution of lime molecules in the body. It is the bone cell-salt. Without this element, no bone can be formed and hence it is a valuable remedy in childhood when the bones are in the condition of being formed. Biochemic Materia Medica

Calcaria Phos

Calcaria Phos

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Calcaria Phos

Calcaria Phos

Calcaria Phos

Calcaria Phos

Calcaria Phos

Calcaria Phos

বাইওকেমিক  মেডিসিন দ্বারা রোগ নিরাময় করুন

Cal. Phos. is also found in the gastric juice and plays an important part in the process of digestion and assimilation. It is of importance in anemia in chlorosis, in convulsions and spasms, in weak scrofulous subjects; during dentition when the teeth are slow in making their appearance and decay too rapidly; also in other teething disorders. In convalescence after acute and chronic wasting diseases, it acts as a tonic by building up new red blood corpuscles and by restoring the lost vitality. Deficient development of children and young people emaciation without apparent cause onanism, suppuration of bones, spinal weakness and curvature. Aids the union of fractured bones. Rheumatism of the joints, chronic enlargements of the tonsils and goiter. Cholera infantum, faeces hot and offensive. Dyspepsia; food seems to lie in a lump; vomiting after cold drinks. Cold, change of weather, motion, getting wet, generally aggravates symptoms. Relieved by rest, warmth and by lying down.

Calcium phosphate is one of the main constituents of the bone cells – and the bones are where the new cells for the body are produced so you can see how important it is for the body to stay healthy and fit. With enough of this salt in your body, you can say goodbye to brittle bones.

There are physical, mental and emotional symptoms that call for the tissue salt Calcarea Phosphoricome or Calc Phos for short.

Unhealthy bones of the body and anemia are two of the main problems that follow from a deficiency of this cell salt. In infants, it could be that the fontanelles do not join for a long time and the teeth could make their appearance very late. During teething, children could suffer from a lot of pain, even convulsions. It could take a long time for damaged or broken bones to join together again. With bone growth being slow, children who need this salt and are not given it could stay stunted or have bow legs. In bad cases, it could even affect the spine which could become curved. Children who need this salt could also suffer from crusta lactea or hard crusts on the scalp.

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