HSC Geography 1st Paper Suggestion and Question Patterns 2020-2. Geography is the science that educations the lands, the topographies, the populations, and the singularities of the Earth. An accurate conversion would be “to define or write about the Earth”. The first creature to use the word “geography” was Eratosthenes (276-194 BC). Four historical backgrounds in the geographical examination are the longitudinal analysis of the accepted and the human phenomena (geography as the study of distribution), the area revisions (places and regions), the learning of the man-land connection, and the research in the earth sciences.
However, modern geography is an all-inclusive discipline that foremost seeks to understand the Earth and all of its human and natural complexities – not merely where objects are, but how they have changed and come to be. Geography has been called “the world discipline” and “the bridge between the human and the physical science”. Geography is divided into two main subdivisions: human geography and physical geography.
HSC Geography 1st Paper Suggestion and Question Patterns 2020-2
Model Question No. 2
Traditionally, geographers have been viewed the same way as cartographers and people who study place names and numbers. Although many geographers are trained in toponymy and cartology, this is not their main preoccupation. Geographers study the spatial and temporal distribution of phenomena, processes, and features as well as the interaction between humans and their environment. Because space and place affect a variety of topics, such as economics, health, climate, plants, and animals; geography is highly interdisciplinary.
Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.
Geography, the study of the diverse environments, places, and spaces of Earth’s surface and their interactions. It seeks to answer the questions of why things are as they are, where they are. The modern academic discipline of geography is rooted in ancient practice, concerned with the characteristics of places, in particular, their natural environments and peoples, as well as the relations between the two.
However, what is now understood as geography was elaborated before then, in the Arab world and elsewhere. Ptolemy, author of one of the discipline’s first books, Guide to Geography (2nd century CE), defined geography as “a representation in pictures of the whole known world together with the phenomena which are contained therein.” This expresses what many still consider geography’s essence—a description of the world using maps (and now also pictures, as in the kind of “popular geographies” exemplified by National Geographic Magazine)—but, as more was learned about the world, less could be mapped, and words were added to the pictures.
To most people, geography means knowing where places are and what they are like. Discussion of an area’s geography usually refers to its topography—its relief and drainage patterns and predominant vegetation, along with climate and weather patterns—together with human responses to that environment, as in agricultural, industrial, and other land uses and in settlement and urbanization patterns.
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