3rd Chapter: Civics and Good Governance 2nd MCQ Question With Answer

3rd Chapter: Civics and Good Governance 2nd MCQ Question With Answer. Civics and Good Governance Suggestion and Question Patterns of HSC Examination 2019. Civics is the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship, its rights and duties; the duties of citizens to each other as members of a political body and to the government.  It includes the study of civil law and civil code, and the study of government with attention to the role of citizens ― as opposed to external factors ― in the operation and oversight of government.

3rd Chapter: Civics and Good Governance 2nd MCQ Question With Answer

3rd Chapter: Civics and Good Governance 2nd MCQ Question With Answer

3rd Chapter: Civics and Good Governance 2nd MCQ Question With Answer

3rd Chapter: Civics and Good Governance 2nd MCQ Question With Answer

This textbook has been written keeping in mind the promise and vision of the 21st century and in accordance with the new curriculum. So, any constructive and logical suggestions for its improvement will be paid mentionable attention. Very little time was available for writing the textbook. As a result, there could be some unintentional mistakes in it. In the next edition of the book, more care will be taken to make the book more elegant and error free.

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