Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

When an elastic material deforms due to an external force, it undergoes internal forces opposed to the deformation and bring it back to its original state when the external force no longer applied. There are different modules of elasticity, such as Young, the shear modulus module, the module of compressibility and, all of which are measures of the own stiffness of a material as a resistance to deformation under a load. The different modules are applicable to different types of deformation. For example, the Young’s modulus is uniform extension, while the shear modulus in shear.

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

The elasticity of materials is described by a stress-strain curve, which shows the relationship between the stress (the average of the population of internal restoration per unit area) and strain (relative deformation). [1] For most metals or crystalline materials, the curve is linear for small deformations, and thus the stress-strain relationship can be adequately described by Hooke’s law and higher order terms can be ignored. However, the greatest efforts beyond the elastic limit, the relationship is more linear.

For even higher constraints, materials have a plastic behavior that is to say that they deform irreversibly and do not return to their original shape after stress no longer applied. [2] For the rubbery materials such as elastomers, the gradient of the stress-strain curve increases. with stress, which means rubbers become progressively harder to stretch, then for most of the metals, the gradient decreases to very high stresses, which means that they become progressively easier to stretch elasticity is not presented only by solids only, non – Newtonian, as viscoelastic fluids, will be also an elasticity in certain conditions.

In response to a small strain rapidly applied and removed, these fluids may deform and then return to their original shape. Under large strains or strains applied for longer periods of time, these fluids may begin to flow like a viscous liquid.

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

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Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity

Physics Math Solution Of Elasticity